Complex and evolving regulatory environment
The regulatory environment evolves with the threats and risks that an organization may face. Enterprise compliance management requires an organization-wide approach to protect and enhance business initiatives by adopting a regulatory risk-aware culture. Increasingly, organizations now recognize that a security infrastructure contributes to compliance and regulatory.
Cloudfall’s compliance management solutions maintain an acceptable level of risk by implementing appropriate controls and leveraging our technology tools and services to effectively support business areas in meeting their obligations to relevant laws, regulations and internal procedures.
Know your current compliance status
Our security and risk management consultants can help you navigate the dizzying list of security compliance standards and frameworks, assess your current industry requirements and status quo based on needs, and guide the subsequent changes required to meet those requirements.
Implementation Controls and Solutions
Cloudfall specializes in security operations and management and offers a broad portfolio of information security solutions and security consulting services to help enterprise organizations meet, exceed and maintain compliance requirements.
第二十一条 国家实行网络安全等级保护制度。网络运营者应当按照网络安全等级保护制度的要求,履行下列安全保护义务,保障网络免受干扰、破坏或者未经授权的访问,防止网络数据泄露或者被窃取、篡改:
As in Level Protection 2.0.:
Our security consultants can help you and your business develop security management systems and operating procedures, and our solutions can help you efficiently meet these regulatory requirements.